The Quantum Light Codes for V…. and ineffectiveness of medicine that we have to take for it! Channeled Message from Archangels

Mirela Ktori
8 min readApr 15, 2021

I have recived this from a friend and made me very sad and this is not first time that has been brough to my attention and Archangels and other Beings of Light had been warning us about it before it came out and about they real agenda and this beautiful healer has described it what happens to our body if we are taking something that our body is design to fight it anyway.

“What happens in the human body, energy organs and the Soul, after given medicine with gene therapy?

The experience of a therapist who worked for many years with energy, energy healing, astral bodies, but especially with light radiation and the frequency of heart vibrations, the seat of our soul, to come into higher contact with it.
I had an appointment with someone who took the first and second doses of the vaccine. I had treated this man before, but I didn’t know he had been given medicine for V. When I started the treatment, I noticed the change, I felt a very heavy energy in the astral body. The coldest thing was when I worked on the heart chakra, I got in touch with his soul, well, he was torn by the physical body, as if he was floating in a mental state, total confusion, but he had no direct contact with the body and seemed to lose contact with the physical part, as if there was no communication between them.
During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and felt that it was floating in deep darkness. Therefore, the energy he worked with was very heavy, and these highly polluting substances could also be felt through the fine astral bodies.
I continued the treatment and sent light into the heart chakra and then into the human soul, but it seemed that the soul could no longer receive light, frequency, energy.
It was a very powerful experience for me.
This is how I understood that this material actually serves to detach the consciousness, so it can no longer communicate with the body that possesses it in life, there is no connection, no frequency, no light, no energy or spiritual balance.
Then I started crying for that soul because it started something very much, in me, it was a very strong experience. I didn’t say anything to that person because I didn’t know what to say to understand.
I realized that not only does it pollute the astral body or the physical body, but it has to do with our souls. The purpose is to damage and destroy contact with consciousness. That’s exactly what Steiner said. It’s not just about damaging the immune system.

Update — at the second treatment of the person there was a new change and aggravation, both in terms of gravity and the energy transmitted through its energy field, but especially there was a very significant decrease in frequency. Currently, his physical condition does not show any symptoms in the body. Regarding the situation at the energy level and especially at the level of the soul, it was confirmed that the soul was expelled from the physical body, it is still connected to the so-called cord, but always confirms that there is no emotional and mental interaction with the physical body. it is no longer formed. The soul is no longer able to cope with these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been broken.
Since this is something new that has never happened, the soul consciousness does not know what is manifesting, the soul is in a situation of not knowing why it was expelled from the body. He is aware that this happened after the first dose of vaccine, that he no longer has any form of communication, that he cannot use the bodies we are wearing to stay on Earth. The evolution and the experience that the personality transmits to the soul have stopped.
My personal note: the chakras that connect with our soul, the heart chakra and especially the chakra that is located just above our heads and are called the coronal chakra.
Ask yourself why this virus is called a “coronav….” … what is its real function? Fear shuts you down, but medicine … is even worse, because the isolation is permanent.
Keep in mind that if you choose this gene therapy (which changes genes), it cannot be returned. Neither classical medicine (allopathic) nor quantum medicine can do anything.
(translation from an original article in Italian) — Regards: Pleja Kalmár Melinda Pleja Website”

Well she said that no Quantum medicine wouldn’t work but I got this code before I received the article, so what we have to loose?

Please see message that has been received from Archangels.

“ We are here to give you some incredible tool for you and anyone you give this power to reverse the effects of this illness that we are experiencing now and the effect of medicine, that you or anyone else had to take. You are needed this and our beautiful friend Mirela has come up with this idea to help you all the people of Earth. We have you are beautiful friends, we have you and we have you with the powers that you will receive. We have to give you anything and this is going to be an incredible tool for your salvation. We have to give you this is quantum light code that is having so much power to give you the love to give up powers of this illness and to give you the time to recoup your energies and to get you love for your tomorrow.

We have your love, but you have been given so much fear, then now we have no idea if we can get out of this medication scenario and we can give you this to give up the effect of it and it will not change your DNA makeup and give you your powers if you have to take the medicine.

So here it is 13 50 5050502010

We believe that will give up the powers for it the medicine and it will change you into the being that you intend to be, to give you a chance to ascend. We love you all! We love you and all the love that you have inside to change, be strong we love you love & light.

We are your Archangels. We are here to say we love you, we are here to say we have you, we are here to say enough of the fear, we have you please do what is right for your change so please say hello to us when ever you can. We can see you all, at all the times, we are your Archangels.

We have so much to give, so let’s do it. We love to, so let’s say, please do come and help us and we will be here to give it to you.

Love & Light ✨💖✨ “

What are Quantum Light Codes? Simply they are a form of quantum healing connected with pure heart energy. (quantum healing is a connection with consciousness i.e. everything is connected). From reading transcript channellings it appears that they originated from “ Source/Divine Mother and AA Raphael” who gifted them as a form of medicine to the Lemurians and Atlantans. Lots of health disorders have evolved since those times and new codes have been gifted via channelling and also numerical systems developed. They have been channelled to Marc Gamma and Isabel Henn, who brought them to the public in 2012.

I was very excited when that information has came to light after me me asking for more tools to help humanity. Never heard of them until this week, so I decided to test them out on few people and they worked. Today I have spoken to my A-team and they wanted to help me with my stiff neck and gave me a code for it, that is working as we speak. So I thought if they can give me a code, what is the most important thing that we all need right nowand it is this event we are experiencing and to help us with an aspect of it.

They were so thrilled with that idea and they get on getting a code while I was receiving two more messages that coming out on Sunday.

Soooo….how do we use them?

MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO REMEMBER they should always be used with pure intention.

First thing is protect your space.

Please use any form of clearing a space Sage, Paula Santo, incense sticks, tuning forks or any high frequency tones


Choice of the four archangels that you like to work with,

I’ll call upon Archangels….? to be pillars in each corner of the space and create the protection of pure white light and cast invisible cloak over me so no law or negative energies would penetrate and come to my harm, but give them love, clarity and cosmic hug to find a path to be at peace and go home to our beautiful source and find a place beside our fathers and mothers.


How to use them?

1. Write the number exactly as written and the person who the code is for has to do it for themselves

2. Write on any part of body, or on a sticker and stick it on the body/aura/under food or water.

3. Write it in the air over or over the part of the body.

4. Pull up anything that has numbers on it (e.g. computer or phone or calculator). Type the number as large as can be and hold over the body/food etc with intention.

5. Write the numbers down and place your food or water bottle over them for 6 hours to imprint

6. Draw this code onto your body, imprint into crystals and jewellery

Make sure that you have full focus on the attention of the matter, trust it. Intention that links the healing coming from Source and intended to help and that has been fixed and it will be.

Quantum light codes need only be repeated once.


Again same archangels that you invoke to be pillars in your room, I thank you for holding white light for my protection and cloaking me invisible cloak if you please keep me protected in a white bubble for the rest of the day and night. Love and light to you all.

Please use the opening and closing daily for all Light Workers and Light Warriors as we are getting brighter we are prone to psychic attacks.

Archangels will be giving me more codes in the future and if you would like me to send you some other ones please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. These is free tools for all and the betterment for society as a whole. This is a game-changer, what we have to loose!

Love & Light to you all, rise up, shine out and make ripples!




Mirela Ktori

In love with life and what it brings to us. We all have space here under the Sun and on our Gaia. Don’t stop shining and if not, well don’t dim for rest of us!