The Love Letter to Enemy Channelled Message from our Allies

Mirela Ktori
5 min readAug 30, 2021

I haven’t received any messages for a while from the A-Team, how I like to call them, as 3D reality was keeping me busy. I still had personal chats with them, but it seems they have been very busy behind the veil, too.

Until now, it took me by a surprise, to be honest, after one of my chats, they asked me to put another message out and to come back tomorrow to receive them. I’m always so excited to received them and who will step forward. Archangels like to keep this as a surprise now, as they know I like surprises.

So the first energy that came forward is from the planet name Slomona that resides in Andromeda Galaxy.

Both messages are love letters to the enemy as well as to ourselves and here is their message.

We are here to get you some love for the love that you have given away to all the people that have been here to get your sweet love and for the love that you had to give away, for the love of the medicine that you have given, but fear not. We know that they are so worried that we have not been so active in the knowledge that it has been so fake and we know that people are not to get it and we know they have now changed tactics and that they have to find ways to get more from you, but you will soon see that all that is just, made up and that they have been playing you all along and that they have to find space to give themselves more but to be honest, that is not going to work anymore, as we know they planned it in advance and they have not seen that we know that too.

We will get on it and to you enemy, it is your last hurrah before you are done. We know you and we know you’re ways.

Be here to say hello to us, to get your love from us, as we know you and that you do need it.

Be here to say, we know, so we will get your love and we will be here to give it to you.

We are all here to love and we know you are just too tired to give up more than you have.

We love you our sweet sweet enemy, we know you know how much we love you and we know you are here to give you a sweet sweet sweet love back to us.

We love you, we love your sweet love!

Us, we can’t wait for it, please be here to love and light to all the light beings to give us so much to fight.

We love you so much! Love & Light

The second energy is from the far Galaxy by the name Noalione.

We are here to love you, sweet sweet outlier friends and so-called enemies. We know your plans and we know you are here to give up some love for the love that is not right for all the people of Earth. We love them and we will not allow that to go the way you planned.

We know you are here to get your sweet love for yourself and your selfish needs, but hear it now we won’t allow it, be sure of that, we know that you have to get your love for you, but we have to give the people of Earth the chance that they haven’t had and we know that doesn’t fit your plan but be sure it will be the last of your plan, as now we are coming in more numbers that you have no leg to stand on.

We have to get you to out-beat the low to the right low that is not the lowest of it, but the low that you have not seen before, as it is the low of the light and you have not seen it. The low of the world that you know, it is coming from the source and had enough of your tiring antics and it had enough of the action that you have caused the low to this beautiful beings and we will stand beside them until the end.

We know you are trembling as we can feel it so, be ready to take us into your arms and embrace it, it will be here soon.

We love you, love and light to you. We have you sweet sweet enemy and we can’t wait to give it to you in folds. We have been waiting on this for a while. We love you love and light to you

In the turmoil and confusion of the world around us we forget the foundation of our existence, it is love & unity. We are much greater in numbers if we stand strong together. They creating chaos and confusion to keep us separate from one another and to be fearful. We are not alone brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, we are all big cosmic families that have been holding each other hands for a whole eternity. We all came from one source, one Devine love and don’t let that hand slip away by big great distraction. Our cosmic family is here fighting for us and we need to light up more and ask for help. Take a moment and put everyone in your thoughts and send them gratitude, love and a cosmic hug. Ask for help for our freedom as it is our sovereign right. Thank all the ones that have given their place and are a catalyst for our change for today and tomorrow. Forgive and don’t forget who we are!

No time as present to all Light Workers and Light Warriors to stand strong, be bold and let your heart sing and shine, love and light! Make ripples, make it count!

Thank you for being here,

Mirela ✨💖✨



Mirela Ktori

In love with life and what it brings to us. We all have space here under the Sun and on our Gaia. Don’t stop shining and if not, well don’t dim for rest of us!