SHOUT OUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!! Channeled message from Pomislavion from The High Council of Time

Mirela Ktori
4 min readSep 4, 2022

Hello to you all again. We haven’t seemed to be here, to hear you loud and clear, so we would like you to get you the time to see this, here to listen to our friends that are here to give you this message, to be able to grasp with the love of your change. Be not here to listen to all the ones that are giving you fear, but the ones that are here to see your powers to change and this will ripple to all others in a loving way, as this is what we need from you, now. We have your love, but we are not hearing it, but you will have to be louder than you are now, as the others, are not hearing it either. So let’s be loud and clear about what you want in your reality, we for sure would like to.

We are your Galactic Family ready to reconnect, so be ready to shout for sure, you will need to. Love & Light ✨💖✨

We are the powerful Pomislavion. We are here to say, that time is given to you to see the timeline of the successful powers, of the success of the love for change and for the development of humanity, and our love for your experience, is so great, that we are here to give you the love for your existence, for your powers of the change, that you need now to hear and to see.

You will see it very soon, so be ready for it, as it will be not as pleasant, as you are not here to love your sweet reality but to learn from it and you will learn an awful lot for just your survival. But your love is so strong, that has been the key for your change all along, you are just not seeing it as the key, but the thing that you must have as you will be not going to heaven! Well let’s say you will go to heaven regardless, would you be behaving definitely, well we don’t think you would! But let’s say you will not go to heaven would you love the idea of that, we don’t think so either!.?!

So how to encapsulate that in a few words, that you will grasp? Let’s say you are here to help others, to see, that is what is needed, to give you and for others to move to a different paradigm, would you do that, we believe you would.

We are here to say this is what you need to do now, we urge you to love that reality as it is here soon. But you will miss the train if you are here looking at the others, that are here struggling and you are a bystander. You be not happy to know, that you will not get on that train either, so be ready to love, not just that, but all of that you are not comfortable seeing or hearing about.

You will see it in your reality so much, as they are truly trying to change your reality, in the lack and we have it in your new reality, in abundance. We need you to believe it and hear it, so we are here to listen to it. So be ready to shout out from the rooftops, so to say.

We love you so much our beautiful friends and families. You are so in trance, you are not remembering your mission, and you are not hearing us. We are here but on higher frequencies. But you will definitely hear your love of the powers of now. So be ready to jump, to see it and feel it, so we can love you more, so we can feel you from the powerful rooftops, that you are shouting from. We are so ready to hear that, we are here for all of it, so let’s scream and shout, that you don’t want pain, you don’t want to love of lack, that you are ready for your powerful tomorrow, so you will see it here soon.

Don’t be afraid, it is only a blip in your paradigm, that AI and all the powerful leaders are trans-fixed in the reality of the ones that are controlling them. They will be ready to see it too, soon. We are guaranteeing you that. Be loving, patient and it is here soon, as soon as you hear that powerful screams, you will know it is here. So be ready to hear it and listen for the plea of the ones that are ready to jump to that sweet tomorrow of yours.

We are Pomislavion, we are interdimensional and we have your powers of change, but you need to see it too. We can say it, it Is so glorious you will be overwhelmed. We love you, be loving to many. We love all that, that you are not here to love, so let us take it away from you, just need to ask. We can do that.

We are from the High council of time and this is all that we know, time, is it your time to say yes too? We are hearing, for sure, so let’s just say it, we have it in our sweet existence. We love it! Love & Light ✨💖✨



Mirela Ktori

In love with life and what it brings to us. We all have space here under the Sun and on our Gaia. Don’t stop shining and if not, well don’t dim for rest of us!